In Him All Things Hold Together

The golden leaves blanketed the ground as the echo of my daughter’s voice carried through the woods exclaiming she found the perfect leaf for her collection. These are the moments I prayed for. She runs to me and lays a red heart shaped leaf in my hand. As I look at it I’m reminded of the journey we have been on the past several years that started when the doctor diagnosed her with a congenital heart defect (CHD). A day that left me feeling like my whole world was out of control and one that makes me realize how true the words Paul writes in Colossians 1:17 are, “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (ESV)

Sometimes the reality of parenting a child who is medically complex brings me to my knees in fear. In these moments of fear, I must remember that in Jesus all things hold together. Just as He created the heart shaped leaf I was holding in my hand, He made my daughter’s heart too and by His grace gave her a new heart.

I’m reminded that all things exist because of Jesus and I can trust her life in His hands.

Friends, when our fear wants to magnify our current realities, we can remember that He holds all things together when the unexpected occurs. The same God who is holding the universe together is holding you, too.

I’m not sure what your reality looks like today; the worries that keep you up at night, the phone call you are dreading to make or receive, or the day-to-day tasks of trying in your own strength to control your surroundings in hopes of alleviating your anxieties. But one thing I have learned is that Jesus holding all things together is a true reality and something we can rest in. Even before we knew we needed Him, He was taking care of us, dying on the cross creating a way for us to be with Him even before we took our first breath.

When I’m reminded of our key verse, I’m comforted that Jesus has always been here even before time began. When it seems like our world is in chaos and we feel like we are losing a grip on our circumstances we can remember that Jesus is in control, He is the author of life and has the final say in everything, our fears do not. There may be times I’m brought to my knees by fear but I’m also brought to my knees by gratefulness.

Gratefulness that God chose us to be her parents.

Gratefulness that she is still here.

Gratefulness that in Jesus all things hold together.

Many blessings,



It was Nailed to the Cross