Be Still and Know


“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

The last several weeks I have felt God leading me toward this posture more and more; a stillness before Him to truly grasp the firm reality that He is who He says He is. There is freedom in letting go and being still before God and to let Him fight your battles.

We not only need to be still before God but we need to know that He is God. By knowing something or someone we can have a better understanding and trust. We can know God and have this understanding of Him by going straight to the Bible.

So a few things we can KNOW about God by reading the scriptures...

  • God is God <——this one is my favorite. (Psalm 100:3)

  • God is the creator of the Heavens and Earth and if He is in control of the Universe, He can take care of us too! (Genesis 1:1, Psalm 146:6)

  • God knows EVERY number of hairs on your head. This is how much He loves us. (Luke 12:7)

  • God is our refuge, strength, and helper.

    -We see this several verses up from our verse today in Psalm 46:1-3 (CSB) it says “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its water roars and foams and the mountains quake with its turmoil. Selah”

God is our refuge and strength. We don’t have to be afraid. Anytime I am filled with fear, God reminds me of who He is.

Friend, when we grasp the reality of who God is our fears don’t have a hold on us. He is God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, and the creator of you.





