All Things

I wasn’t for sure how God could take this situation and bring something good from it. How should one react to hearing the words, “There is something wrong with your baby’s heart.”

It was the summer of 2013 when I first heard those words. My broken heart wept for my daughter’s broken heart.

It was like I had been thrown into an episode of Greys Anatomy. Except there was no one telling me how to act or what emotions to have or the words to say; there was no director saying cut, and I couldn’t fast forward to the end to see how things played out.

No, this was real life and I was the one hearing those words and living this reality that so many others just see play out on television. I had just entered a different world; a world filled with hospital stays, surgeries, and broken hearts.

Have you been there? Maybe not this exact scenario but a situation that leaves you breathless wondering how life could ever be the same.

If you are there, you can take comfort in knowing that God can bring good out of these situations that leave you pacing the floors and biting your nails.

Our broken hearts do not catch Him off guard.

He is the ultimate director and is in charge of our lives, as long as you let Him take the reins. Even though it’s easier said than done. There are many times I try to go ahead of God and try to control things-only to exhaust myself with worry.

During these times I have to remind myself of God’s promises. One of my favorite verses I have kept close by over the past several years is Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

When it says all things it truly means ALL things. The good things, the hard things, the unexpected things. All things work together for our good when you love God.

We may have been thrown into a world we didn’t expect but it’s one filled with hope, faith, and a perspective on life that wouldn’t have come without going through a valley. Of course, I would never have wanted my daughter or our family to endure the pain we have experienced. But she is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and I want her to look for God in all things and embrace the unique calling He has placed on her life. Our life is different than what we ever could have imagined but we have been recipient’s to so many blessings, and have seen God’s hand up close and personal on our family’s life. We have had front row seats to miracles. We have seen Romans 8:28 played out in our life. I have seen the courage and bravery in my daughter’s eyes, and it rubs off on me.

Friend, you may be living in a different world you didn’t see yourself in, but try to remember the one who created it and look for Him in all things. He can bring good out of it and will for those who love Him. God can heal broken hearts, turning them into masterpieces. He can ignite new hopes and dreams within us-ones that we didn’t know existed until our faith was held to the flame.


Many Blessings,



It was Nailed to the Cross

